Barter Share

Barter membership is for those who want a higher degree of involvement in the farm. Instead of paying for a full share, barter members work for 96 hours during the season. The barter work can be in the form of field work, harvest/washing, or assisting with CSA distribution.

The time period for the barter is from May 3 to October 28.

Field WorkMonday to Thursday 8 AM to 4 PM. Includes planting, fertilizing, and weeding.

Harvest/WashingFriday mornings 8 AM to 12 PM. Harvesting produce for CSA distribution, washing, and sorting.

DistributionFriday afternoons 3 PM to 7 PM, Saturdays 10 AM to 2 PM. Setting up the produce for distribution, assisting and instructing members in pick your own.

The work will be organized based on the farm needs and the abilities/availabilities of members.

Feel free to contact us if you have questions about a barter share.

Click here to sign up for a barter share membership